PN Vice Admiral Visited Italian Navy for Possible Acquisition of Helicopters

24 Juni 2022

AW 139M medium utility helicopter (photo : Mike Powell)

Philippine Navy Flag Officer in Command Vice Adm. Adeluis Bordado is in Italy to visit his counterpart with the Italian Navy and visit Italian defense company Leonardo.

It remains to be seen what exactly did Leonardo offer to the Philippine Navy, but previous information provided to MaxDefense Philippines by sources include the AW139M utility helicopter and additional AW159 Wildcat naval combat helicopters were offered to meet PN requirements.

Refurbished frigates

Meanwhile, the visit to the Italian Navy is an important move by the PN after the canceled plan to purchase 2 refurbished Maestrale-class frigates back in 2014 which resulted in thawed relations between the Philippine and Italian Navies, and the loss of interest by Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri in participating in PN modernization projects.

It remains to be seen if the interest in Maestrale-class frigates is still there considering the change of PN leadership.
