Five Power Defence Arrangements Exercise Concludes

24 Oktober 2023

A Royal Australian Air Force F/A - 18F Super Hornet and two Royal Air Force FGR4 Typhoons fly in formation during Exercise Bersama Lima 2023, Malaysia (photo : Aus DoD)

Exercise Bersama Lima, an annual military exercise between the five nations in the Five Power Defence Arrangements, has concluded.

More than 400 Australian Defence Force personnel deployed for two weeks in Malaysia exercising with militaries from Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom.

RSAF F-16 fighter aircraft also conducted a landaway at Kuantan Air Base (photo : RSAF)

The exercise focused on combined joint operations in a multi-threat environment, with training designed to enhance interoperability and strengthen professional relationships.

The Australian Defence Force deployed F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft, C-27J Spartan military transport aircraft and the Royal Australian Navy Hobart class guided missile destroyer HMAS Brisbane to the exercise.

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Hawks arriving in Changi Air Base (East) as part of a landaway serial conducted (photo : RSAF)

The Five Power Defence Arrangements were established in 1971 as a security arrangement between Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Malaysia and Singapore.

Chief of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Greg Bilton AO, CSC, said Australia remains committed to investing in our regional partnerships.

RSS Intrepid, HMNZS Aotearoa, KD Lekir, HMNZS Te Mana, HMAS Brisbane, RSS Vigilance and KD Keris (not seen here) (photo : RSN)

“Our contribution to Exercise Bersama Lima underlines Australia’s firm commitment to the Five Power Defence Arrangements, which have provided an anchor for regional stability for over 50 years,” Lieutenant General Bilton said.

“The Five Power Defence Arrangements strengthen cooperation and make it easier for our militaries to work together when it matters.”