Panus and Chaiseri Win the Purchase of 8x8 Amphibious Armored Vehicle and 4x4 Multipurpose Armored Vehicle of Royal Thai Navy
24 September 2021
R600 8x8 wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV), the product of Thailand company's Panus Assembly Co.,Ltd. (photo : AAG)
Government Procurement System, the Comptroller General's Department, Ministry of Finance announced on September 20, 2021 to the winners of the two wheeled armored vehicle procurement projects of the Royal Thai Navy.
Panus Assembly Co., Ltd., Thailand, was the winner of the purchase of 2 wheeled armored vehicles (8x8), transport type, amounting to 99.9 million by the selection method Baht($3,080,387) per unit price 49,950,000 baht ($1,540,240) and Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co., Ltd. Thailand was the winner of the purchase of 6 4-wheel drive multi-purpose armored vehicles (type 4x4), amounting to 6 units by the selection method, amount 99, 900,000 baht ($3,080,387) per unit price 16,650,000 baht ($513,414).
For the 4x4 multi-purpose armored vehicle purchase project, Chaiseri Thai was the winner over Nunta Trade Co. Ltd. Thailand, and Partnership. S. Siam Panich, Thailand, which should act as a representative of foreign car dealers.
According to the draft scope of work (TOR: Terms of Reference), the content is the same as the project for the purchase of 6 multi-purpose armored vehicles with 4-wheel drive (4 x 4) by the Department of Naval Transport (Naval). Transportation Department) in the year 2020. It is understood that this latest purchase will be the supply of 6 additional Chaiseri's First Win 4x4 armored vehicles for the Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC).
As for the 8x8 amphibious wheeled armored vehicle project, Panus Assembly was the winner over the proposed unknown Chaiseri Company and Preecha Thavorn Industries. Co., Ltd. Thailand.
According to the project's TOR, there is a content specification that matches the R600A 8x8 amphibious armored vehicle for the Thai Marines of Panus Company more than the Black Widow Spider (BWS) 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle for the Royal Thai Army (RTA) that Preechathavorn Company should offer this model to the Royal Thai Navy.
The Royal Thai Navy has completed the research and development project of a prototype Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier (AAPC) 8x8 produced by Cho Thavee Public Company Limited, Thailand.
Both the AAPC 8x8 amphibious wheeled armored vehicle and the BWS 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle are the work of the Thai Defense Technology Institute (DTI), which are based on the Terrex family of armored vehicles of Singapore. It is not yet known exactly why the Royal Thai Navy has not procured additional AAPC armored vehicles from 5 pilot prototypes and procured R600 armored vehicles that are likely to be used to test 2 vehicles instead, but both projects purchase wheeled armored vehicles. This tire supports the security industry of Thailand as a whole.
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