Kapal Tanker Indonesia dan New Zeland Latihan Bersama
02 November 2021
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3ECtZWx
HMNZS Aotearoa-A 11 bersama KRI Bontang-907 (all photos : RNZN and Koarmada1)
KRI Bontang-907 Melaksanakan Latihan Bersama Angkatan Laut New Zealand HMNZS Aotearoa-A 11 di Perairan Natuna, Sabtu (23/10/2021).
Adapun serial latihan yang dilaksanakan diantaranya adalah Comm Check, Flashex, RAS Approach, Tacman dan Farewell Pass. (Koarmada 1)
Partnering on the high seas
Recently in the Indonesian ASL (archipelagic sea lane) HMNZS Aotearoa met up with the Indonesian Navy’s KRI Bontang.
The two replenishment vessels conducted a range of serials including:
▪️ flashing light exercises
▪️ tactical manoeuvring
▪️ replenishment approaches
▪️ manned ships side for a farewell pass
It was a great success and a perfect opportunity for positive engagement and interoperability between our two regional navies.
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3ECtZWx
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