Regiment 937 Successfully Organized a Cadre Flight with Su-22 Aircraft

22 Februari 2025

Technical staff prepare the Su-22 UM3K trainer of fighter bomber aircraft of the VPAF (photo: QDND)

On February 14, Regiment 937 (Division 370, Air Defense - Air Force) organized a flight for officers in early spring 2025. This is an important flight that serves as a basis for carrying out training tasks and ensuring flight safety in 2025.

Realizing the importance of the flight team, the Party Committee and the commander of Regiment 937 have closely led and directed all stages and steps; strengthened the dissemination and education work to raise awareness, and built high motivation and determination for all soldiers. The Regiment  organized the assignment of specific tasks to the components, developed a scientific, specific, and meticulous flight plan; deployed to the forces to seriously and closely implement from determination, assignment of tasks, flight preparation, practice, coordination between pilots, flight commanders, and flight security forces.

The aircraft landed safely (photo: QDND)

The regiment directed the preparation of aviation technical assurance, airport logistics, radar information, and patrol and guarding. During the flight practice, although the weather conditions were unfavorable, the flight commander organized the operations scientifically and flexibly. The team of pilots showed high determination, strictly followed the rules and regulations, practiced correct aerial navigation techniques, and performed precise movements in accordance with the flight requirements.

The components monitor, direct, and participate in the flight crew of Regiment 937 (photo: QDND)

The flight team has completed 10 flights, achieving 100% of the plan, ensuring absolute safety. The success of the early spring flight team affirms the comprehensive leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the command of Regiment 937, the high determination of the officers, pilots, and technical staff for the flight mission. This is also an opportunity to evaluate the assurance work of agencies and units, especially aviation engineering, airport logistics engineering  , radar information, and to check the quality of work of stations, stations, information systems, communications, and navigation to ensure the flight operations of the Regiment in the new training season.