Live Firing Exercise of Leopard 2SG

16 Februari 2025

Captain (CPT) Teh Sook Hui, Tank Company Trainer from Main Battle Tank Training Centre (MBTTC), and also Conducting Officer of the live-firing exercise, re-emphasising safety pointers to the troops (photo: Singapore Army)

Last weekend, our ‘tankees’ from 48th Battalion, Singapore Armoured Regiment (48 SAR) carried out a Single Tank Armour Live Firing of the Leopard 2SG Main Battle Tank (L2SG) in a live-firing range.

“Once Armour, Always Armour!”

Even in the cold and damp weather conditions, our L2SGs are lined up and ready to fire! (photo: Singapore Army)

Leopard 2SG Combat Prowess

Despite the Leopard 2SG’s massive weight, it can travel at a maximum of 72km/h on road and up to 60km/h in cross-country terrain. Terrain is secondary as the Leopard 2SG is able to safely cover a large amount of distance with the shortest time possible, making it one of the fastest among its class.

Lieutenant (LTA) Khong Chung Yi, Platoon Commander from 48 SAR, and also Assistant Conducting Officer of the exercise, briefing the participants during a ‘walk-the-ground’ session, as part of safety protocols (photo: Singapore Army)

The Stabilised Control System operated 120mm, L44 smoothbore gun has a fire control system that improves the accuracy of the tank. Even while at its maximum speed, the Leopard 2SG is able to maintain an accuracy rate and firepower as though it was standing still.

L2SG firing its 120mm, L44 smoothbore gun (photo: Singapore Army)

Did You Know?

1. After acquiring Leopard 2A4 MBTs from the German Armed Forces (the Bundeswehr) these tanks underwent modernisation and came to be known as Leopard 2G Main Battle Tanks.

2. The Leopard 2A4 is by far the most widespread version of the Leopard 2 series.

(Singapore Army | Sing Mindef)