Attack Aircraft AT-6TH Squadron 411, Wing 41, Chiang Mai, RTAF begins First Domestic Flight Training

06 Oktober 2024

Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) Beechcraft AT-6TH Wolverine serial "41102" light atack aircraft of 411th Squadron, Wing 41 Chiang Mai RTAF base in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand began its first training flight on 1 October 2024 (photos: RTAF)

The Beechcraft AT-6TH Wolverine, Squadron 411, Wing 41 Chiang Mai, Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF), number "41102", which began its first training flight in its area on October 1, 2024, which is the anniversary of the founding of Wing 41 Chiang Mai, with a set of photos published on the Squadron 411's official Facebook Page on the same day.

It came about three months after the Royal Thai Air Force received its first two AT-6TH Wolverine attack aircraft, serial numbers "41101" and "41102", which entered service at Squadron 411, Wing 41 on July 16, 2024, where the media and students were invited to attend the welcoming ceremony at that time.

The Royal Thai Air Force signed a contract to procure 8 AT-6TH attack aircraft worth 4,314,039,980.80 baht ($143 million) on November 14, 2021, with Squadron 411 set to receive all 8 aircraft by February 2025. The procurement of AT-6TH attack aircraft also includes the transfer of technology to Thailand.

Similarly, the Beechcraft T-6TH Texan II (T-6C) training aircraft of the Royal Thai Air Force Kamphaeng Saen Flying School, which has received a total of 12 aircraft in 2023 that have a common basis (before that, it was understood that the model would be set as the attack and training aircraft model AT-6TH, but the actual model was set as the attack aircraft model).

The Royal Thai Air Force sent 8 pilots to receive training in Flight Instructor and Test Pilot courses at Textron Aviation Defense in Wichita, Kansas, from February 12 to May 15, 2024. They have completed their studies and returned to Thailand. They have started training in the country. 

Similar to the T-6TH trainer aircraft, the first two AT-6TH aircraft have been delivered by sea to Thailand and have entered the Final Reassembly Program at the Thai Aviation Industries (TAI) aircraft factory in Takhli District, Nakhon Sawan Province, near Wing 4 Takhli since late May 2024. The remaining aircraft will be assembled and delivered until completed.

The AT-6TH light attack aircraft is powered by a 1,600hp turboprop engine, has a maximum speed of 858km/h(316knots), a maximum service ceiling of 9,949m(31,000feet), a range of 3,194km(1,725nmi), and a payload of 1,864kg(4,110lbs). It is equipped with a WESCAM MX-15Di electro-optic/infrared(EO/IR) camera system , which can be seen mounted under the mid-air fuselage in the latest set of images.

The weapon system also includes the GBU-12 Paveway II 500lb laser-guided bomb, a seven-round LAU-131/A Hydra 70 air-to-surface missile pod, a 400-round FN HMP-400 .50cal machine gun pod and an AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-surface missile. This first field exercise is likely to lead to the Initial Operating Capability (IOC) declaration.