The Royal Thai Army's 2024 Research and Invention Exhibition Showcases Domestically Product

18 Agustus 2024

Various domestically developed at Royal Thai Army's 2024 Research and Invention Exhibition (photos: RTA)

The Army Research and Development Exhibition 2024 by the Army Research and Development Office (ARDO), Royal Thai Army (RTA), was held at the Command and General Staff College (CGSC) in Bangkok.

On August 9, 2024, there was a presentation of various R&D innovations and military inventions from units in the Royal Thai Armed Forces (RTARF), the Thai Ministry of Defense, Thai educational institutions, and the Thai private sector, most of which were demonstrations of the use of Smart Unmanned Systems.

In addition to previously launched projects such as DTI (Defence Technology Institute) of Thailand, such as the D-IRON RCV tactical robot and the D-EMPIR EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Robot family.

Lithium-Ion battery system for the Oplot-T main battle tank by Chiang Mai University for the VT4 main battle tank and the Commando Stingray light tank by Khon Kaen University and the Radio over IP (RoIP) communication system by the Army Signal Department.

Other projects include a biosignal-controlled mechanical prosthetic arm for disabled soldiers, a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) UAV for reconnaissance, and a Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) radar system by Suranaree University of Technology.

Smart Alert Sensor detection system with Machine Learning Artificial intelligence (AI) by the Army Military Intelligence Command and Attack quadcopter UAV by the Ratchamanu Task Force, Naresuan Task Force, 3rd Army Area, which have been put into actual use.