Vietnam Conducted a Test Launch Smaller Version of the VCM-B Coastal-based Anti-ship Missile System

21 Juni 2024

Small version of VCM-B (photo: Viet+Offensive)

In early June local media reported that Vietnam had activated Brigade 679 of the Naval Region 1, Vietnam People's Navy as the first Vietnamese missile coastal defense forces with domestically-developed VCM-B coastal defense missile system battery using the VCM-01 anti-ship missiles.

According to information by Viet+ Offensive on June 7, 2024,  a transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) vehicle of a VCM-B coastal defense missile system was in trial with Viettel Aerospace (VTX)'s uniformed personnel.

Vietnam conducted a test launch of a shorter-ranged variant of the VCM-01 family anti-ship missile system with the smaller size of the canister, it is predicted to have an engagement range of 80-130km.

VCM-01 is derived from Vietnam's version of the Russian Kh-35UE missile.

(Defense Studies)