U.S. Marine MQ-9A Reapers Now Deployed to the Philippines

07 Juni 2024

MQ-9A Reaper refuels at Subic during Balikatan 2023 (photo: USMC)

U.S. Marine Corps MQ-9A Reaper drones are now operating out of a Philippine Air Force base on a rotational basis, USNI News has learned.

The service’s unmanned aerial vehicles started operating out of Basa Air Base this spring at the request of Manila to support intelligence sharing efforts between U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the I Marine Expeditionary Force confirmed last week.

“The Marine Corps will employ unarmed MQ-9As to provide reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the development of intelligence sharing between the U.S. and our Philippine allies and in accordance with Philippine national laws, rules, and regulations,” a spokesperson for I MEF told USNI News.

According to the service, the drones are “temporarily stationed” in the Philippines, whose 1987 constitution prohibits the permanent basing of foreign military forces within the country. Instead, the drones are in the Philippines on a rotational basis, which is permitted under the 2014 Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement.

Basa Air Base (image: GoogleMaps)

In its response, I MEF did not specify how many Marine Corps Reapers it was temporarily stationing at Basa nor did the command detail the duration length of the rotational deployment.

This is not the first time U.S. drones have deployed to the Philippines in support of Manila’s struggle in the South China Sea. MQ-9As also supported a sinking exercise during Balikatan 2024 last month, which tested the maritime strike capabilities of U.S. and Philippine forces.

The rotational deployment comes as China puts more pressure on the Philippines in the disputed South China Sea. Incidents between the two over the last year have seen Philippine vessels damaged and Filipino personnel injured, calling into question the role of the country’s only defense treaty ally and Washington’s assistance to Manila.

See full article USNI

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