PT Len and Thales Sign JV Agreement Strengthen Indonesian Defence

04 Juni 2024

Signing of Joint Venture Agreement between PT Len and Thales in Jakarta (photo: Thales)

*PT Len Industri (Persero) and Thales have signed an agreement on 30th May 2024, to launch a Joint Venture (JV) that will take Indonesia’s defence capabilities to the next level by reinforcing joint local industrial activities in manufacturing, engineering and services.

*A Centre of Excellence, first of its kind in Indonesia, will be established to initially address the air surveillance requirements contributing to airspace protection capabilities of the Indonesian Air Force. ​

*The Joint Venture is structured from the onset to be an agile platform able to expand to various other topics in the future, including but not limited to, C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance), Military Satellites, Electronic Warfare, National Data Links, and National Combat Management Systems.

Two years on since ​ the launch of DEFEND ID PT Len Industri (Persero) and Thales are proud to mark an important milestone on the 30th of May 2024, with the signing of the joint venture agreement, in the presence of Mr Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, State-Owned Entreprises (BUMN) Deputy Minister, Pascale Sourisse, President and CEO, Thales International and Fabien Penone, French Ambassador in Indonesia. The agreement was signed in Jakarta by Bobby Rasyidin, President Director for PT Len Industri (Persero) Holding DEFEND ID and by Nicolas Bouverot, Vice President Thales Asia.

Through this JV, PT LEN Industri (Persero) and Thales will kick-start a unique centre of excellence that will first address the Indonesian Air Force requirements in air operations, including collaboration on air surveillance radars and Command & Control (C2) systems. Thales will bring its deep expertise in radar technology, with transfer of knowledge. The JV will also cover Command and Control activities and the co-development of a national Air Operations Centre. Associated services, including Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) activities, will be carried out at PT Len’s site in Subang. ​

The signing of the JV Agreement is a step further for Thales in strengthening its local industrial footprint. By providing localised, engineering, maintenance and services with maximum operational availability, the JV will accelerate our response to end-user requirements and will strengthen proximity with the Indonesian forces. This joint venture aligns with the Indonesian government’s long-term “Made-in-Indonesia” strategy, thereby enhancing its sovereign capabilities. In addition, it will support DEFEND ID’s goal to increase the use of locally-manufactured components within the industry, enabling Indonesia to export its capabilities worldwide.
