RSAF Team Visited Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Facility
11 November 2023
RSAF team during visited in the Lockheed Martin’s F-35 facility (photos : RSAF)An RSAF team, led by Commander Air Combat Command, BG Lim Kok Hong, visited Lockheed Martin’s F-35 facility in Fort Worth, Texas, United States recently. As part of the visit, the team continued professional discussions on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), from how to best harness the F-35’s advanced capabilities, to better understanding the various engineering and maintenance requirements.
While on this visit, the RSAF team also operated the missionised F-35 JSF simulator, which enabled us to familiarise ourselves with the key capabilities of the F-35B aircraft, including its stealth and short-take-off and vertical landing capabilities, and its advanced sensor suite.
Such first-hand experiences are crucial in helping us determine the F-35’s interoperability and integration requirements with the rest of the SAF’s warfighting system, and how best to optimise the aircraft’s potential to enhance the RSAF’s operational edge.
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