Malaysia Prefers Turkish Option for LMS Batch II Program

29 November 2023

The chosen Turkish shipyard for LMS Batch II will be announced later (photo : DagangNews)

Malaysian Minister of Defence YB Mohammad Hassan stated that Turkiye was chosen for the LMS Batch II corvette procurement program.

The program aims for a corvette capable of conducting anti-surface warfare, anti-air warfare, and patrol missions. Three ships will be procured in the initial phase, with eight vessels planned for the final phase.

The Minister added that several shipyards in Turkiye have been identified as capable of meeting the program requirements. As LMS Batch II is in Government-to-Government format, the chosen shipyard will be announced later. 

STM, ASFAT, TAIS, and Dearsan from Turkiye are known to be in the evaluation phase of the program. A memorandum of collaboration was signed between STM and Malaysian TDA, an agency under the Ministry of Finance Malaysia, during LIMA.

Other competitors in the program were the Republic of Korea’s HHI’s (Hyundai Heavy Industries) HDF-2600 and Dutch Damen’s SIGMA designs.