AIROD Signs Two Maintenance Support Agreements with Gulf Air Group, Inc.

05 Agustus 2023

L-382G aircraft, commercial variant of C-130 Hercules (photo : Gulf Air Group)

Malaysian aerospace firm Aircraft Inspection, Repair & Overhaul Depot Sdn Bhd (AIROD) has signed two Maintenance Support Agreements (MSA) with Gulf Air Group Inc. (GA) at AIROD Headquarters in Subang, Malaysia on July 29, 2023.

Gulf Air Group, Inc. a Florida based aviation business has been operating under FAA 14 CFR Parts 145 (Repair Station) and 125 (Large Aircraft Operations) for over 35 years. They specialise in the maintenance and operation of L-382 aircrafts which is the commercial variant of the Lockheed Martin C-130 aircraft, providing multi-mission large aircraft solutions for maintenance, cargo, technical expertise and research for clients worldwide.

AIROD will provide its equipment, tools and maintenance support specialists for service to Gulf Air’s operations and maintenance of its L-382G aircraft which are operating in the greater ASEAN region. Additionally, Gulf Air will be maintaining on behalf of a customer, the Lockheed Martin LM100J aircraft which AIROD will also be supporting, the company said.

The MSAs for the L-382G and LM100J between AIROD and Gulf Air Group is the result of discussions over a one-year period between the organisations and AIROD is looking forward to provide more in-depth maintenance services on the airframe as well as aircraft painting and engine maintenance.

See full article ADJ