Two ATMOS Units for the 3rd Infantry Division’s (3ID) Arrive in Western Visayas

01 Mei 2023

Two units ATMOS howitzer arrive in Western Visayas (photo : PA)

Two units of the Autonomous Truck Mounted Howitzer System (ATMOS) 155mm self-propelled guns arrived at the 3rd Infantry Division’s (3ID) headquarters in Jamindan, Capiz to bolster the division’s capability in neutralizing internal threats, 3ID announced on April 23, 2023.

3ID Commander Maj. Gen. Marion R. Sison said that the arrival of the ATMOS self-propelled guns will be a game-changer in the Army's focused military operations against the remaining Communist-Terrorist Group (CTG) members in the Western Visayas Region. "These assets will bolster our internal security operations and will largely contribute in the dismantling of the CTG in Western and Central Visayas," Maj. Gen. Sison said.

ATMOS 155mm self-propelled guns have a maximum range of 41 kilometers depending on the type of ammunition used and has a target precision of 10 to 50 kilometers. The Philippine Army received 12 units of the said self-propelled guns from the Israeli defense company Elbit Systems in December 2021. These were procured under the Horizon 2 of the Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Plan.