PH-US Artilleries Conduct Day and Night Live-Fire Exercises with US M119A3 105mm Towed Howitzers
22 Maret 2023
Live-fire exercise with US M119A3 105mm towed howitzers (photos : PA, AAR)
PH-US Artilleries Conduct Shoot-and-Scoot Live Fire Exercise
On March 17 2023, personnel from Army Artillery Regiment (AAR), Philippine Army and US 25th Infantry Division Artillery (DIVARTY) utilizing US M119A3 105mm towed howitzers conducted day and night Live Fire Exercise (LFX) at different firing points within Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation (FMMR) area.
The objective of said LFX is to test and evaluate the capabilities of both PH-US Armies’ artillery units in performing shoot-and-scoot tactics as counter-measure to counter-battery fire of the enemy.
During the exercise, the involved artillery units were given different scenarios to deliver massive fires to the targets and to periodically move locations to avoid enemy counter-battery fires.
Immediately after the LFX, an after-activity review was conducted to understand what took place, why it happened the way it did, and how to improve it.
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