NAW Sends Off Scanegale UAS Alpha Flight

22 September 2022

PN Scaneagle UAV (photos : PN)

Sangley Point, Cavite City – The Naval Air Wing (NAW) conducted a simple send-off ceremony of the ScanEagle Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) at Headquarters Naval Air Wing, Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City. Said ceremony was spearheaded by CAPT JUARIO C MARAYAG PN(GSC), the Acting Commander, Naval Air Wing. 

This send-off ceremony marks the first deployment for the Maritime Unmanned Aerial Reconnaissance Squadron 71 (MUARS71), NAW after completing their one (1) year in-country training.

The “Alpha Flight” of MUARS-71 is composed of five (5) officers and nine (9) maintenance crew. This is their first deployment for this type of air asset for the Philippine Navy to conduct different missions like patrols and surveillance to secure the sovereignty of our nation.

The ScanEagle UAS was acquired by the Philippine Navy from the United States and it was formally accepted on 25 November 2020 at Magluyan Hall, Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City.