US Approved $630M Sale for Munition and Singapore F-15SG Training in Arizona

27 Juli 2022

F-15SG fighter aircarft (photo : USAF)

WASHINGTON - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Singapore of F-15SG Munitions, Follow-On Training and Sustainment, and related equipment for an estimated cost of $630 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Singapore has requested to buy ninety (90) MXU-651 Air Foil Groups (AFGs) for 2000LB Paveway II (PWII), GBU 10; ninety (90) MAU-169 or MAU-209 Computer Control Groups (CCGs) for 2000LB PWII, GBU-10; one hundred forty (140) MXU-650 AFGs for 500LB PW-II, GBU-12; one hundred forty (140) MAU-169 or MAU-209 CCGs for 500LB PWII, GBU 12; twenty (20) Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) KMU-556 tail kits for GBU 31; twenty two (22) JDAM KMU-572 tail kits for Laser JDAM, GBU-54; two hundred (200) FMU-152 fuzes; fifty (50) MK-84 2000LB General Purpose (GP) bombs; fifty (50) MK-82 500LB GP bombs; and six hundred twenty-five (625) Mk-82 500LB inert bombs. Also included are DSU-38 and -40 Precision Laser Guidance Sets (PLGS) for Laser JDAM, GBU-54; KGV-135A cryptographic devices; impulse cartridges, chaff, and flares; training rounds and practice bombs; classified and unclassified software delivery and support; classified and unclassified publications and technical documentation; integration support and test equipment; aircraft and munitions support and support equipment; telemetry kits; military exercise participation and support; transportation, airlift, and aircraft ferry support; jet fuel; aerial refueling support; personnel training, and training equipment and maintenance; medical and other exercise- and training-related services and support; personnel clothing and equipment; facilities and construction support; and U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, maintenance, and logistics support services, as well as other related elements of logistical and program support. The total estimated program cost is $630 million.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a strategic partner that is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Asia.

The proposed sale will enable the Singapore Air Force to continue its flight training program to develop mission-ready and experienced pilots to safely and effectively fly its F-15 aircraft, as part of the Peace Carvin V Detachment Training Program. The well-established pilot proficiency training program at Mountain Home Air Force Base will support professional interaction and enhance operational interoperability with U.S. Forces. Singapore will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment and support into its armed forces.

This proposed sale will not alter the basic military balance in the region.