The Royal Thai Army will Upgrade the H145 General Purpose Helicopter to 2 Additional Medical Helicopters

20 Juli 2022

Airbus Helicopters H145 (EC145T2) utility helicopter of 41st Aviation Battalion, Aviation Regiment, Army Aviation Center (AAC) in medical mission (AIR AMBULANCE) (all photos : Royal Thai Army)

Department of Transportation, Royal Thai Army has published a procurement plan announcement on its website on July 11, 2022  which was found on July 15, 2016.

Specifies a project to hire to improve general use helicopters, Airbus Helicopters H145 (EC145T2) as ambulance helicopters (AIR AMBULANCE), amounting to 2 units, project budget 26 million baht ($709,316.66) is expected to announce the procurement in July 2022.

No further details are available at the time of writing. Currently, the Royal Thai Army has 6 helicopters in general use, H145 stationed in the 41st Aviation Battalion, Aviation Regiment, the Army Aviation Center.

The Royal Thai Army has signed a purchase agreement with Airbus Helicopters Europe in 2015 in the amount of 999,207,436 baht ($30.66 million) price per machine 437,440,044 baht ($13.77 million) was awarded in the year 2017.

Department of Army Transport of The Royal Thai Army has improved and modified 4 general purpose helicopters H145 to be medical helicopters by selection method is the total amount 53.2 million baht ($1,450,777.30) on the website of the Royal Thai Air Force Base on June 10, 2021.

The winner who has been selected is Krin Aviation and Technology Co., Ltd. Thailand, when combined with the improvement of H145, add 2 more machines to be a helicopter, the total project for all 6 H145s is 79.2 million baht ($2,159,686.58).

General use helicopter H145 that has been upgraded to both ambulance helicopters. Four of the aircraft were deployed in support of the airborne medical repatriation mission, especially the mission to help people in remote areas where airborne units are deployed in each Army Area.

Improvement and modification of H145, adding 2 more machines to be a total of 6 hospital helicopters will increase the capacity to increase the number. A medical helicopter that will help save more people's lives, according to H145, which has been revised, has been put into practice many times.