RTMC Conduct CALFEX (Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise) at Ban Chan Krem, Chanthaburi Province
03 Mei 2022
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3LQhBWI
Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise of the Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC) for the year 2022 (photos : RTMC, Sompong Nondhasa)
Tactical firearms training and junction training are underway with live ammunition tactics in the Naval Training Year 2022 at Naval Training Field No. 16, Ban Chanthaklom, Khao Khitchakut District Chanthaburi Province on April 21, 2022, the past that has been published by the media to the public.
For the first time, the Norinco VN16 Amphibious Assault Vessel (AAV: Amphibious Assault Vessel) type of the amphibious vehicle battalion has been seen. All three vehicles of the Marine Corps Brigade demonstrated firing of 105mm artillery shells for the first time in real life.
Prior to the opening ceremony of the 2022 Navy Training on 3 March 2022, the VN16 amphibious assault vehicle has already demonstrated amphibious landing operations together with the AAV7A1 RAM/RS amphibious vehicle.
Field artillery firing training at Hat Yao Thung Prong Weapons Training Field, Sattahip District, Chonburi, there was a demonstration of the firing of wheeled self-propelled artillery ATMG (Autonomous Truck Mounted Gun) 6x6 size 155mm/52caliber of the 4th Artillery Battalion of Artillery Regiment Marine Corps Brigade.
Live-fire tactics exercises also included the BTR-3E1 armored company armored vehicle and HMMWV trucks equipped with TOW 2RF anti-tank rocket launchers, a tank fighting company, tank battalion, where the second shot of TOW 2RF was disrupted, the rocket fell to the ground before reaching the target, but there was no danger.
This year's live-fire exercises were mainly conducted in the Gulf of Thailand, without joint deployment from the Royal Thai Army, such as the main battle tank Oplot
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3LQhBWI
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