DTI Thailand Chose Chaiseri as the Winner of the "AAVP7A1" AAV Prototype Development for the RTMC
18 Maret 2022
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3IngBad
AAV7A1 RAM/RS amphibious assault vehicles which upgraded by Thailand's company Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co. Ltd., Thailand (photo : AAG)
Documents declaring the winner of the procurement of Defense Technology Institute DTI (Defence Technology Institute) on March 8, 2022 (2022), published on March 9, 2022, stated that According to the National Defense Technology Institute, DTI has a letter of invitation for contracting to develop, improve and maintain a prototype amphibious combat vehicle (AAV: Amphibious Assault Vehicle) type AAVP1A1 for 1 job.
The selected candidates were Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co. Ltd., Thailand, with all bids of 40 million baht ($1,181,684) including VAT and other taxes, transportation costs, transportation costs, registration fees, and all other expenses.
DTI's amphibious combat vehicle (AAV) prototype project was first seen in a document published on September 30, 2021, which was found on aid in early October 2021 in the Budget Annual Procurement Plan.
The AAV prototype is identified as AAVP1A1, which is a crewed version of the AAV7A1 amphibious vehicle in service with the amphibious vehicle battalion. Marine Corps Brigade Colonel of the Royal Thai Air Force Royal Thai Navy (Marine Assault Amphibian Vehicle Battalion, RTMC: Royal Thai Marine Corps Division, RTN: Royal Thai Navy).
Amphibious vehicle model by DTI, no mention as AAVP7A1 (photo : DTI)
Choosing Chaiseri Thai as the winner means this is a modernized development, renovation, and maintenance project of the AAV7A1 RAM/RS prototype amphibious vehicle for the Royal Thai Marine Corps
Current Amphibious Vehicle Battalion Colonel of the Royal Thai Air Force There are 12 AAV7A1 amphibious vehicles in service, of which at least 3 cars have been modernized to AAV7A1 RAM/RS by Chaiseri.
The amphibious vehicle battalion also received 3 VN16 amphibious assault vehicles in 2021 and demonstrated its operations with the AAV7A1 at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Naval Training.
It is understood that the project of development, improvement, and maintenance of the AAVP1A1 prototype AAV model will be a collaboration between Chaseri and DTI to pave the way for the modernization of the AAV7A1 amphibious vehicle of the Thai Marine Corps to be the AAV7A1 RAM/RS for all 12 vehicles within Thailand.
This is the latest achievement of Chaiseri Thai to modernize the V-150 wheeled armored vehicle of the Panzer Company, Marine Tank Battalion and the winner of the project to purchase a 4x4 multipurpose armored vehicle (4x4) is Chaiseri's First Win 4x4 wheeled armored vehicle, two projects, a total of 12 vehicles for the Royal Thai Navy.
Previously, the Royal Thai Navy and DTI have completed the Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier (AAPC) 8x8 amphibious armored vehicle prototype project for the Royal Thai Marines which is a different project.
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3IngBad
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