Serco Australia Tests Landing Craft Design for LAND 8710 Phase 1

11 Agustus 2021
Serco Australia has completed an extensive round of tank testing for its provisional landing craft design, delivering next-generation amphibious capabilities for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) for its LAND 8710 Phase 1 program (photos : Serco Australia)

LAND 8710 Phase 1 is the project to design, build and maintain landing craft to enhance ADF’s amphibious capabilities in littoral waters and to enable independent deployment throughout the region.

The tank testing was completed at the Australian Maritime College (AMC) in Launceston and involved the construction of a 1/16th scale model of Serco’s design.

Named ‘Oboe 1’, in recognition of the unique heritage of amphibious operations undertaken by the Australian Army during the Second World War, the design utilises both local skills and international expertise developed over a long heritage of ongoing design, manufacture and support tasks undertaken by Serco for the United States Navy and Army.

The Oboe model then underwent a rigorous series of speed and performance trials utilising the impressive capabilities of the towing tank at the AMC, a specialist institute of the University of Tasmania.

The AMC tank is the largest facility of its kind in Australia and gives valuable data as to how the vessel will behave under differing load conditions and how it will dynamically perform at sea at various speeds and sea-states.

The results of the AMC trials will be fed back into Serco’s design and further refine performance specifications to address ADF requirements.

The staff at AMC are fully independent of Serco’s industry team, allowing the 8710 design team to benefit from unbiased empirical data and feedback.

While the current Serco design reflects a mature set of operational criteria it offers inherent flexibility and is scalable to meet specific ADF requirements tailored to meet Australia’s unique operational circumstances.

Over the last decade, Serco has delivered more than a dozen large vessels for Naval service under the Fleet Marine Services Contract, with this commitment to excellence to continue with Serco’s approach to the LAND 8710 program.

Serco’s preparations ahead of the LAND 8710 RFT are concurrent with the upcoming delivery of Australia’s new state-of-the-art Antarctic icebreaker, RSV Nuyina. As the Prime contractor for this 30-year partnership with the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD), Serco has continued its focus and deep involvement in delivering Commonwealth shipbuilding and maintenance programs.

Serco’s Australian industry team stand ready to deliver for the Commonwealth, bringing Australian industry skills and expertise to the forefront, and positioning Australia to drive forward in establishing a sustainable and vibrant shipbuilding industry.