Royal Thai Navy Succesful Firing Harpoon Block 1C Missile
29 Maret 2021
Firing of Harpoon Block 1C missile from HMTS Taksin 422 successfully destroy a 100 km target (all photos : RTN)On March, 25 2021, the Navy is conducting a historic firing of Harpoon Block 1C, defining a firing area in the Andaman Sea about 130 nautical miles west of Phuket (or approximately 240 kilometers) missile fired at a distance of 55 nautical miles, or about 100 kilometers, this is the longest shot ever fired in the ASEAN region using actual bomb heads, operated by the Navy independently of the host country or other.
The practice of firing the Harpoon Block 1C missile is a relatively long period of time, and it is still in the lifespan of this fire.
It is the success of the Royal Thai Navy that is no less than anyone else in the region, and it is a continuation of the skill, knowledge of the operation to be a guarantee of the maritime nation.
The Harpoon missile n can be regarded as a strategic weapons.
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