DTI will Develop Armored Wheel Vehicles for Counter-Terrorism Operations Center
15 Februari 2021
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3deNdXV
Signing ceremony between CTOC and DTI (photo : DTI Thailand)
At the time of writing, details of the car model that will be used by DTI as the basis for the development of a prototype vehicle are unknown. But it is understood that DTI should have been working on the project for a while in cooperation with the Thai private sector before the MOU was signed.
The signing of a memorandum of agreement between National Defense Technology Institute of Thailand and the International Anti-Terrorism Operations Center, Royal Thai Army Command for research and development of vehicle prototypes for service in the Thai Armed Forces on February 10, 2021.
It is the MRAP 4x4 mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle, 4x4 assault vehicle and 4x2 reconnaissance vehicle for Thai CTOC.
If you look at the illustration of the signing ceremony '4x4 (assault vehicle)' and '4x2 (reconnaissance)', it is likely that the Chaborz M6 4x4 and Chaborz M3 4x2 patrol vehicles from Russia. The '4x4 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected' is likely to be the all-new South African Paramount Group Mbombe 4 4x4 MRAP.
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from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3deNdXV
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