Insitu Conducts Training for RAN ScanEagle UAS Crews

22 Januari 2021

RAN ScanEagle UAS (photo : Insitu)

Insitu Pacific launches virtual classroom for Defence

Brisbane, Australia –  The first Royal Australian Navy (RAN) personnel to undertake training through Insitu Pacific’s new remote training and simulation capabilities have successfully gained their ScanEagle Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) pilot and maintainer qualifications.

The remote training delivers elements of the ScanEagle UAS course virtually, and complements conventional onsite instruction at Insitu Pacific’s training and simulation facility in Brisbane, as well as at the home of Navy’s 822X Squadron at HMAS Albatross in Nowra, New South Wales.

Andrew Duggan, Managing Director Insitu Pacific, said that remote simulation and training had been in the advanced planning stage, but that the impacts of COVID-19 meant the project was prioritised to ensure effective, rapid fielding of training across a number of courses.

“The completion of our first remote course elements for RAN achieved great results, with all students successfully passing the course, and remote instruction remaining at the same high quality as onsite course delivery,” Duggan said. “Our virtual training design builds on 10 years of expertise in providing quality Australian-based training to the RAN and the Australian Army, and offers flexibility for Navy in the future to conduct standard training courses at bases around Australia or overseas.”

Remote classroom theory lessons, flight simulation training and virtual equipment demonstrations have all been made possible through the use of multimedia technology. Remote training will also open new opportunities to conduct shorter, cost effective training and simulation based activities, including re-certification and scenario-specific courses in virtual environments prior to operational deployments, or even during deployments as required.

“The combination of virtual and onsite training has delivered an effective outcome for the RAN,” CMDR Philip Woodward CO 822X Squadron said.  “It not only addressed the challenges posed by COVID-19, but also reduced the time away from home for some trainees and some of the instructors. There is significant potential to deliver flexible and cost effective training.”

“Our comprehensive training approach delivers the theory, flight simulation and practical experience that our advanced UAS require.” Duggan said. “We’re embracing remote training methods in virtual classrooms to provide flexible options for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to reduce costs and the need for ADF members to be away from their home locations for lengthy periods.”

All Insitu Pacific training is delivered by highly qualified instructors, many of whom are ADF veterans with operational experience abroad. The new remote learning course builds on a decade of training with over 600 defence customers, including from Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, gaining qualifications on Insitu Pacific UAS in land and maritime environments.

(Insitu Pacific)