Royal Thai Navy Conducts Exercise for Fiscal Year 2021

17 Desember 2020

Combine exercise of Royal Thai Navy for fiscal year 2021 (all photos : RTN)

Royal Thai Fleet, Royal Thai Navy (RTN) conducted combine of Naval Squadrons, Naval Air Wings and Naval Special Warfare Command training exercise for Fiscal year 2021 in 7-8 December 2020.

During the date 7 - 8 Dec '20, Admiral Chatchai Sriwor Khan, Commander of the Navy visiting personnel and tactical training, the Naval Air Force and Naval Special Warfare Division Annual Budget 2021 on HTMS Chakri Naruebet with Admiral Sutinan Samanrak, commander of the Royal Thai Navy and the commander of the Training Fleet Battle 2021, welcomed along with touring the actions of the troops and watch an important training on HTMS Bhumibol and HTMS Chakri Naruebet such as :
- joint operations of ships and aircraft  
- process transformation  
- transportation of things at sea  
- to prevent damage inside the boat  
- underwater target detection  
- suppression of submarines per target used in submarine submarine combat (EMATT) exercises  
- anti-terrorism  
- strategy Management.

The Naval Training Division will assess the training, evaluate the availability of various ships who participated in the training of person, object and strategy since the training in posture including setting the situation for the control and evaluation of the training process at sea.

Royal Thai Navy it is the main combat force of the Navy,  consists of different units that have specific operational strategies. It is necessary to practice consistent practice under the effective strategy of training that results from the training and expertise will make the battle fleet a ready combat force able to meet every mission of the navy both in times of conflict or humanitarian practice.

It is in accordance with the policy of the Commander of the Navy that "Unity and Power of the Royal Navy" to become a Navy that people believe and be proud of.

Personnel and tactical training of the Fleet, Airborne Division and Naval Special Warfare Unit Of the training fleet Royal Navy Fiscal year 2021 is the latest large-scale marine training at the end of the year. 2020 before the new year of the Royal Thai Navy which consists of : 
11 surface ships that consists of helicopter carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet, a guided missile frigate HTMS Bhumibol Adulyadej and large logistics ships HTMS Similan, Naresuan-class frigates : HTMS Taksin, Chao Phraya - class frigates HTMS Chao Phraya and HTMS Bang Pakong, Corvette HTMS Rattanakosin, Offshore Patrol Boat :  HTMS Krabi, HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan,  Chornburi-class FAC : HTMS Chonburi and HTMS  Songkhla also Patrol Boat Gun HTMS Hua Hin.

8 Aircraft power from Royal Thai Naval Aviation Division consists of Sikorsky S-70B Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter, Leonardo Super Lynx 300 anti-ship helicopter, Helicopters Bell 212, Airbus Helicopter H145M (EC645T2), anti-ship aircraft Fokker F-27 MK 200, and reconnaissance aircraft Dornier Do 228 and also special operations from the command Special Naval Warfare (Royal Thai Navy SEALs).

It is a good demonstration of the overall readiness of the personnel and equipment of the Royal Thai Navy, although this training during the year 2010 was trapped by the Covid-19 outbreak.