Vabenfabrikken to Produce Australian Combat Assault Rifle (ACAR) in Denmark
24 September 2024
The Australian Combat Assault Rifle (ACAR) (photo: Lithgow Arms)
Thales Australia’s Lithgow Arms partners with Våbenfabrikken to establish Danish small arms industrial capability
On 17 September 2024, Thales Australia and Denmark’s Våbenfabrikken announced that they are entering into a strategic cooperation to establish a new industrial capability in Denmark to produce NATO interoperable small arms.
The cooperation, and resulting outcomes, signal for the first time since the 1960’s that military assault rifles will be produced in Denmark, providing an industrial capability to produce, maintain and sustain small arms in this country.
The first tranche will explore options for small arms production in Denmark; commencing with a Danish version of the Australian Combat Assault Rifle (ACAR). The ACAR is currently under development by Thales Australia, and is based on a proven design in-use with allied defence forces and law enforcement agencies.
The cooperation between Thales and Våbenfabrikken aligns with the overall Danish defence strategy and supports Thales’s ambition to partner with local industry and develop sovereign supply chains to the benefit of our customers.
Under the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Thales and Våbenfabrikken will work together to establish a new industrial capability in Denmark with the aim of producing, maintaining and sustaining interoperable small arms in Denmark. The MoU was signed on 17th of September 2024 at an official signing ceremony at Våbenfabrikken’s premises in Denmark.
Våbenfabrikken is an established gunsmith and weapons training provider, with decades of cumulative experience in the industry. By partnering with Thales Australia, Våbenfabrikken’s ability to support Danish national security priorities will be enhanced through sovereign small arms production, local maintenance capabilities and future skills development.
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