The Royal Thai Navy's NSWC has Developed a DPV for Underwater Demolition Attacks

14 Agustus 2024

Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) unveiled domestic Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) for Underwater Demolition Team (UDT)/SEAL Team development program during Navy Research 2024 (photos: Royal Thai Navy)

'Navy Research 2024' event organized by the Naval Research and Development Office (NRDO), Royal Thai Navy (RTN) at Chao Phraya Room, Royal Thai Navy Auditorium, Wat Arun Subdistrict, Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok, Thailand on 31 July 2024 by Admiral Adung Phan-iam, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy, presided over the opening ceremony.

The Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC), Royal Thai Fleet (RTF), or “RTN SEAL”, has revealed its Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) program for the first time, details of which will be presented at Naval Research Expo 2024.

The Naval Special Warfare Command (NSW) has been using Chariot Manned Torpedoes and small hand-held diver-carrying vehicles since the past. Some of the decommissioned vehicles are likely to be displayed at the unit’s location on Koh Phra or at the Thai Navy SEAL Foundation Underwater Demolition Museum in Chonburi Province.

Previously in 2019, the Diver and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Division, Naval Ordnance Department, also had a project to purchase one underwater propulsion vehicle (SDV: Swimmer Delivery Vehicle or UPV: Underwater Propulsion Vehicle) within the budget of 12,990,000 baht ($420,298).