RTAF Accepted Two New T-50TH

21 Agustus 2024

Latest two KAI T-50TH numbers 40113 and 40114 for RTAF (photo: RTAF)

The final acceptance ceremony for the latest two KAI T-50THs (40113 and 40114) was held at Wing 4 Takhli in Nakhon Sawan Province, Thailand on 19 August 2024. 

The Royal Thai Air Force held an acceptance ceremony for the last two T-50TH fighter and trainer aircraft, model 2, number 40113 and number 40114, at Squadron 401, Wing 4 on August 19, 2024, which were announced for procurement since 2021, making the latest number of aircraft 14.

The RTAF White Paper 2024 also details plans to procure two additional T-50THs between fiscal years 2025-2028, bringing the total number of aircraft in Squadron 401 to 16.


from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3AuxNwd