Joining of Mast and Radome Onboard LCS1

12 Agustus 2024

Installing the mast and radome onboard KD Maharaja Lela 2501 LCS1 (photos: LUNAS)

On July 11, 2024, Lumut Naval Shipyard (LUNAS) achieved significant progress in its Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) project by successfully installing the Mast and Radome onboard LCS1. This accomplishment demonstrates its dedication to advancing this national project.

Interesting facts about this structure include its weight of 7 tonnes and its span of 21 meters from the bottom of the radome to the tip of the mast lightning rod. 

The mast is equipped with cutting-edge technology, featuring Radar Electronic Support Measure (RESM), Communication Electronic Support Measure (CESM), Communication Antenna, Navigation Light, Navigation Sensors, and a Lightning Protection System. The Navigation Radar will be installed soon.

The radome, meticulously designed by design authority Naval Group (NG), ensures seamless Main Surveillance Radar (MSR) transmission, with the MSR already installed underneath it on April 22. Both the mast and radome are engineered to meet Radar Cross-Section (RCS) requirements, bolstering the LCS’s Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities.

At LUNAS, we are dedicated to driving the LCS project forward, fulfilling our promise to deliver these ships and enhance the nation's maritime defence.