Thai MoD Inspects Production Line of Domestic Assault Rifles

04 Juni 2024

Inspection of the production line of MOD2020 5,56mm assault rifle (photos: CookBulletRunning)

General Sanitchanog Sangkachantra the Permanent Secretary for Defence of the Ministry of Defence of Thailand inspected the production line of domestic 100 of MOD2020 5.56x45mm assault rifles for the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters and 40 of NIN9 9mm submachine guns for the Royal Forest Department and National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department at Weapon Research and Development Plant (WRDP), Weapon Production Center (WPC), Defence Industry and Energy Center (DIEC) in Lopburi Province, Thailand on 23 May 2024.

General Sanitchanok Sangkhachan also tested the factory sector for NIN9 regulations from morning until late at night.