LMS Batch-II Ship Specifications
22 Juni 2024
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3zbqpp1
ADA class corvette as platform for LMS Batch II for Malaysian Navy (photo: TLDM)
STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş., Türkiye’s, the leading company in the Turkish defence sector, will build three corvettes for the Royal Malaysian Navy under the “Littoral Mission Ship Batch-2 (LMSB2)” project.
STM, as main contractor, will be responsible for all phases of the project, starting from design to the performance, and from construction to delivery. STM will undertake the ship design, project management (including construction management), material/system procurements, integration design and assembly, testing and Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) activities, as well as the preparation of the design and ILS documents related to the Project.
LMS Batch II Project (image: STM)
The three corvettes, the design of which has been tailored by STM to meet the requirements of the Royal Malaysian Navy, will be constructed in Türkiye within the scope of the Littoral Mission Ship Batch-2 (LMSB2) Project.
STM Littoral Mission Ship (LMSB2) is a highly flexible and proven platform that complies with modern naval norms, standards and classification society rules. The capabilities of similar combat platforms produced by STM in terms of safety, performance, reliability and ease of maintenance have been tested, and have proven themselves during operations in the open and coastal seas, and under heavy sea conditions.
LMSs can be tasked with a wide range of duties including ASUW, AAW, Asymmetric Warfare (ASYW) and EW, drawing upon the capabilities of the most advanced Sensors & Weapons Suite and Command & Control System.
VL SAM for ADA class corvette if refers to Pakistan Navy has located on the front deck (image: TurkDefence)
The construction and outfitting of the ships will be carried out in Türkiye with the intensive involvement of Turkish defence industry companies. STM, in its role as main contractor, will turn to the Turkish defence sector for such equipment as the Combat Management System; the Gun Fire Control System, to be supplied by HAVELSAN; and the 3D Search Radar, Fire Control Radar, IFF, 30mm Gun, ESM and Chaff Decoy System, as well as other electronic sensors, to be supplied by ASELSAN. ROKETSAN will be supplying its ATMACA Surface-to-Surface G/M System.
from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3zbqpp1
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