The Royal Thai Navy will improve the Capabilities of the Two Pattani-class OPV

22 Mei 2024

HTMS Pattani 511 OPV (photo: Global Security)

Naval Acquisition Management Office (NAMO), Royal Thai Navy (RTN) announced to enhanced capabilities for its two Pattani-class OPVs with new Combat Management System (CMS) and related systems for 2,829,554,000 Baht ($78,229,302), refer to source of median price Investigate prices from market six potential tenders include Leonardo SpA, Thales Nedeland BV, Navantia SASME, ASELSAN ELEKTRONIK SANAYI TICARET AS, SAAB AB, and Elbit Naval Systems.  

Purchase combat systems and other related systems for improving capabilities 2 offshore patrol boats, HMS Pattani series, by selection method (Project number: 67059158553). Announcement date 10/05/2024 average price (baht) 2,770,793,808.00 project status in process.

Website Thai Government Procurement, Comptroller General's Department (CGD) Ministry of Finance of Thailand has published an announcement document of Naval Acquisition Management Office (NAMO) Royal Thai Navy on 10 May 2024.

Regarding the table showing the allocated budget amount and details of procurement expenses that do not use procurement. Project to purchase combat systems and other systems related for improving the capabilities of the 2 Royal Pattani series distant patrol boats by selection method.

Budget limit allocated 2,829,554,000 baht ($78,229,302) the median price (reference price) as of 8 May 2024 is 2,770,797,808 baht ($76,60) 4,745). Source of median price (Reference price) uses prices obtained from investigating prices from the market for 6 companies as follows.

1.Leonardo SpA Company, Italy,
2.Thales Nedeland BV, Netherlands,
3.Navantia SASME Company, Spain,
5.SAAB AB Sweden Company,
6.Elbit Naval Systems Company, Israel.

HTMS Narathiwat 512 OPV (photo: Wiki)

No further details were available at the time of this writing. Previously, the Royal Thai Navy had announced plans for a project to improve the capabilities of the two HMS Pattani series offshore patrol vessels, HMS Pattani and HMS Narathiwat, at a budget of 400,000,000 baht ($11,427,756), which was understood to be It is an improvement in the installation of the new CMS: Combat Management System (CMS).

Of the six companies listed as reference prices, some of them already have combat management system products installed on ships of the Royal Thai Navy, including Thales, a European company for the TACTICOS combat management system on the HTMS Krabi series remote patrol boats. 2 ships, HTMS Krabi and HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan and the Swedish company SAAB for the 9LV combat management system on the helicopter carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet, frigate HTMS Bhumibol Adulyadej, and two frigates of the HTMS Naresuan series, HTMS Naresuan and HTMS Taksin.

Other companies include Italy's Leonardo, Spain's Navantia, Turkey's ASELSAN, and Israel's Elbit Naval Systems. Its own CMS combat management system product that can be offered to the Royal Thai Navy according to the needs of the project to improve the capabilities of the HMS Pattani series of offshore patrol boats as well.

The Royal Pattani Boat Set is the first set of OPV (Offshore Patrol Vessel) of the Royal Thai Navy. It was built by a shipyard. Hudong-Zhonghua in Shanghai that signed a contract with China Shipbuilding Trading Co., Ltd. (CSTC), the trade division of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), a Chinese state-owned shipbuilding enterprise, in 2015. 2001, the amount was approximately 3,200,000,000 baht ($100 million at that time).

HTMS Pattani and HTMS Narathiwat were commissioned in 2005 and 2006, respectively installed with Western combat systems including the Atlas Elektronik COSYS combat management system, the Selex RAN-30X/I surveillance radar, and the Rheinmetall fire control system,  TMX/EO and Oto Melara 76/62 naval guns, which were originally planned to be equipped with anti-ship missiles such as Harpoon Block II or Exocet MM40 Block 3 as well.