BRP Antonio Luna : Trains for Blueshark Torpedo

27 Januari 2024

The successful completion of Blueshark Torpedo Operations and Maintenance Training (photo: FF151)

BRP Antonio Luna (FF151) recently achieved a significant milestone with the successful completion of Blueshark Torpedo Operations and Maintenance Training by four (4) of its personnel. The training, which took place from 29th November to 29th December 2023 in South Korea under LIG Nex1 Company, provided the students with an in-depth understanding of the technical specifications, functions, capabilities, operation and maintenance of the Blueshark torpedo.

Illustration of a Blueshark torpedo launch from surface combatant ship (photo: LIGNex1)

The completion of this training is expected to significantly enhance the Philippine Navy's Anti-submarine Warfare capabilities, allowing them to leverage this advanced weapons system effectively, and a key step forward for BRP Antonio Luna as they continue to equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill their duties and responsibilities aboardship.