USAF Considers to Host 12 F-15SG Fighters at Guam Air Base
20 Desember 2023
F-15SG at Andersen AFB, Guam (photos : PACOM)
Notice of Intent and Notice of Public Scoping
Department of the Air Force --- The U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) initially issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) on April 20, 2021, to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Infrastructure Upgrades at Andersen Air Force Base (AFB), Guam.
The DAF anticipates publication of a revised NOI in the Federal Register on or around December 15, 2023, which will start the additional 30-day public scoping period.
Under this proposal, the DAF is considering the beddown and mission support of up to 12 RSAF F-15 fighter aircraft, and the construction of infrastructure upgrades adjacent to the northwest corner of the airfield and within the munitions storage area at Andersen AFB. Construction of upgrades would take place over approximately 3 to 7 years and would include airfield pavements, an aircraft hangar, maintenance and utilities buildings, fuel systems, fencing and utilities, roadways and parking, stormwater management infrastructure, and earth-covered magazines.
Approximately 209 total acres would be disturbed during construction, which would either be developed sites or maintained vegetation once construction is complete. The proposed infrastructure has multiple uses and could support both the F-15 beddown and other DAF, service component, and partner nation aircraft or missions operating from Andersen AFB now or in the future.
The DAF reviewed requirements for strategic capabilities within the Indo-Pacific region and identified Andersen AFB for enhanced capabilities, including beddown of up to 12 RSAF F-15 aircraft and upgrade of operationally relevant infrastructure, dismissing five other potential alternative locations within the Pacific Air Forces area of responsibility from consideration. Once Andersen AFB was identified for enhanced strategic capabilities, the DAF considered other locations on Andersen AFB for construction of infrastructure upgrades; however, only the Proposed Action locations were determined to meet the criteria for the infrastructure upgrades.
See full article Andersen AFB
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