Philippine Navy Personnel Completes the Operator Training of the Shore Based Anti-Ship Missile System
18 Februari 2023
Operator training of the Brahmos SBASMS (photos : PMC)
One Philippine Navy personnel were awarded their interim missile badges and pins by no less than the Indian Navy Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Radhakrishnan Hari Kumar, in a valedictory ceremony for the Operator Training of the Shore Based Anti-Ship Missile System. Said training that ran from 23 January to 11 February 2023 focused on the operations and maintenance of some of the most important logistics package of the SBASMS that will be delivered to the Philippines.
“The induction of the BrahMos missile into the Philippine Marine Corps will strengthen your maritime capability and will also contribute to our collective maritime security within the region...I sincerely hope that you’ll always cherish the bonds of friendship you had during your stay here” said Adm. Kumar during his valedictory remarks. He congratulated the Officers, Enlisted Personnel and Civilian Human Resource (CivHR) who finished the practical series of the training successfully, and further added that “as pioneers of the system, each have proven his/her capacity as fine ambassador of their country”.
Col Romulo D. Quemado PN(M)(GSC), Commander of the Coastal Defense Regiment (Provisional) and End-User of the system, lauded the team for the successful accomplishment of the training and expressed his optimism on the future of the CDR with the trained personnel. He further emphasized the value of retaining the knowledge that they gained during the training to honor the investment made by the Filipino people.
The training is a critical package included in the Philippine Navy Shore Based Anti-
Ship Missile System Project Contract that was signed by the Philippines and India in 2022.
The said acquisition was viewed as a boost to the Philippine Navy’s capability to defend
the country’s maritime borders and will further complement the efforts of the PN surface
assets in patrolling the Philippine waters.
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