Austal Launches 4th Evolved Cape-Class Patrol Boat for RAN

14 Oktober 2022

Fourth Evolved Cape-class Patrol Boat the ADV Cape Capricorn 317 (photo : Austal)

Austal Australia has launched the 4th Evolved Cape-class Patrol Boat the future ADV Cape Capricorn for the Australian Navy. 

The vessel was launched at the Henderson shipyard following approx 12 months of construction & just 3 months after the launch of the 3rd Evolved Cape in June 2022.

With 2x EvolvedCape-class Patrol Boats delivered to Minister of Defence since May 2020, 2x currently alongside and 4x more at various stages of construction, we’re demonstrating a track record of success and genuine capability to deliver major defence projects for Royal Australian Navy and Australia.