Vietnam Asked S Korea for Another Used Vessel

12 September 2022

VPN Ship#18 (photo : ThanhNien)

Earlier this week Senior Lieutenant General Hoàng Xuân Chiến conducted the 10th annual Vietnam-ROK strategic defense dialogue with his counterpart Shin Beom-chul. One interesting topic that stood out was "support in ensuring that the delivery of another used vessel".

The ROK had previously transferred the two Pohang-class corvettes ROKS Gimcheon (PCC-761) & ROKS Yeosu (PCC-765), now respectively "Ship #18" & "Ship #20" in Vietnam People's Navy service. Based upon transfer history it can be implied that the VPN is seeking a 3rd Pohang corvette.

It should be remembered that both Ship #18 and Ship #20 were modified as experimental mounting platforms for quad Uran-E anti-ship missile launchers before the launchers were removed a while later. They continue to serve the VPN as patrol vessels.