HeiTech Padu Bags RM67 mil Contract for Su-30MKM Simulator

13 September 2022

Su-30MKM fighter (photo : Phuong Nguyen)

Acceptance on the Letter of Award (“LOA”) for “Kontrak Senggaraan  Tactical Operational Flight Trainer (“TOFT”), Computer Based Training  (“CBT”), Fasiliti dan Enhance Training Aid Systems (“ETAS”) di Bangunan Simulator Sukhoi 30-MKM, Air Defence Simulator System (“ADSS”) sertaA Peningkatan Sistem Sedia Ada from Ministry of Defence, Malaysia.”

The Board of Directors’ of HeiTech Padu Berhad (“HeiTech” or “the Company”) are pleased to announce that the Company has on 8 September 2022 signed the LOA from Ministry of Defence, Malaysia (“Mindef”) for “Kontrak Senggaraan Tactical Operational Flight Trainer, Computer Based Training, Fasiliti Dan Enhance Training Aid System Di Bangunan Simulator Sukhoi 30-MKM, Air Defence Simulator System Serta Peningkatan Sistem Sedia Ada (“Contract”).

The Contract Value is RM66,842,847.82 (Ringgit Malaysia Sixty Six Million Eight Hundred Forty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Seven Thousand and Cents Eighty Two Only).

The Contract is for a period of 5 years and commencing from the date the LOA is signed by the Company.

from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3d97rVb