MPAC MK III Spike-ER Successfully Hit Ex PC-111

20 Agustus 2022

Firing SPIKE ER missile from MPAC of the PN (all photos : PN)

Another milestone was achieved by the Littoral Combat Force last March 30, 2022 as it successfully conducted a Live Test Firing of Multi-Purpose Attack Craft (MPAC) MKIII 4th Boat Attack Division – SPIKE Extended Range Missile and Mini-Typhoon at vicinity 9 NM NE off Lamao Pt., Pilar, Bataan utilizing the Decommissioned PN Vessel BRP BONI SERRANO (PC111) as the target.

As a background, the 4th Boat Attack Division has recalled from her Area of Operations last June 2021 primarily for the weapons integration but due to the surge of COVID-19 the Israel Technicians were not able to install the weapons on time hence started in the last quarter of CY2021 and was completed on March 2022. The installed missiles have a range of eight kilometers and were installed in three attack crafts along with the Remote Controlled Weapon System (RCWS) Mini Typhoon Cal .50 armament. 

The round of tests conducted in Bataan also included the Sea Acceptance Test (SAT) for the testing, inspection, and acceptance of the weapons based on the Philippines’ contract with Israel and all activities were conducted with the utmost consideration for the safety of personnel and equipment and with full compliance to COVID-19 protocols.

The live missile test-firing was also guided and tested by Rafael Advance Defense System Limited Personnel aboard the 4th Boat Attack Division and configuration of Mini Typhoon System Cal.50 aboard three attack crafts. It was overseen by the Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee (TIAC) team headed by Commodore Mac Raul B. Racacho PN, Deputy Commander Naval Sea System Command (NSSC) together with Commander Malone B. Agudelo PN, Commanding Officer of 4th Boat Attack Division, 4 Rafael Advance Defense System Ltd Personnel, 1 PNMO, and 1 FleetMed Personnel onboard MPAC.
Furthermore, prior to the scheduled live test firing, various training was conducted and supervised by Rafael Advance Defense System Ltd Personnel utilizing the zoom application, with physical lectures aboard Navarette Hall and Boat Attack Craft. Likewise, practical exercises were also conducted on In-door Trainer Simulator at Navarrete Hall and actual exercises aboard attack crafts.

Moreover, in consideration of the unit’s capabilities, doctrines, availability of storage facility in the Area of Operations, operational requirements, and the result of CLCF’s engagement with the Operational Commanders - BA493 and BA494 are projected to be deployed at Naval Forces Eastern Mindanao (NFEM) as recently it has completed its missile storage facility.

On the other hand, BA492 is projected to be under Fleet Marine Ready Force(FMRF) to replace BA483 as a Fast Patrol Vessel to secure Manila Bay and its approaches. Before that, the 4th Attack Division (BA492, BA493, and 494) will also be part of the Navy Day as one of its Pre-Anniversary Activities – to showcase their capabilities peculiar to their operating environment.

In addition, the conduct of the activity in connection with the MLS & MGS Live Firing Capability Demo has been successful. All these would not have been attained without the collective efforts given by all units involved, the local government of Bataan, and with the guidance and support of our Commander, Littoral Combat Force - Commodore Roy Vincent T. Trinidad PN.

Indeed, it proves that the Philippine Navy is now ready to embrace the technology of Modern Naval Warfare to conquer and fight against the enemy. 

(Philippine Navy)