DND Send Delegation to Conduct Post Qualification Inspection to PT PAL

15 April 2022

PT PAL offered an improved version of their 123m LPD design for the Landing Dock Acquisition Project (LDAP) (photo : Phil Embassy)

(JAKARTA) -- The Philippine Department of National Defense, represented by Dir. Pablo Lorenzo, LCDR Jonathan Morales, LCDR Chat Alfie Rosario, Maj. Justine Santos, and LT. Maryam Balais, and PT PAL Persero, represented by Mr. Didik, Mrs. Ani, Mr. Aji, Mr. Bayu, and Mrs. Suci made a Courtesy Call on Philippine Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Leehiong Wee on April 11, 2022.

PT PAL Persero has been declared as the lowest calculated bidder (LCB) for the Landing Dock Acquisition Project (LDAP) in Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia from 10 to 16 April 2022.

from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3xyDCoO