Navy Signs Purchase of Schiebel Camcopter S-100 Phase 2

02 Maret 2022

Royal Thai Navy (RTN) was signed contract with Schiebel Aircraft GMBH for $17,193,828 second batch of 2 systems with 4 aircarfts of Camcopter S-100 rotary-wing UAV (photo : AAG)

On February 14, 2022, Lt. Gen. Apichai Sompolkrang, Director of NRCT presided over the signing ceremony for the project to supply the unmanned aerial vehicle phase 2, model Schiebel Camcopter S-100 with Schiebel Aircraft GmbH, there will be 2 systems.

It is an unmanned aerial vehicle in the amount of 4 unmanned helicopters with equipment systems and other support related in the total amount of 556.1 million baht.

The aircrafts will be stationed at the Royal Thai Navy Naval Aviation Division Battleship Fleet, Ban Chang District, Rayong Province 1 system and 491st Air and Coastal Defence Command, Satun Province 1 system.

Previously, the Royal Thai Navy had already supplied with two Schiebel Camcopter S-100 systems, amount to 600 million baht in 2020.