Royal Thai Navy Reveals the Special Operations Ship, Naval Series Tor 251 of Naval Special Warfare Command

12 Januari 2022

Tor 251-class Special Operations Craft (speed boat) of Special Operations Craft Flotilla, Naval Special Warfare Command, Royal Thai Fleet (photos : 3rd NAC)

The official Facebook page of the 3rd Naval Area Command (3rd NAC: Third Naval Area Command), Royal Thai Navy (RTN: Royal Thai Navy) has released pictures of surveillance operations to prevent illegal activities along the Thai-Myanmar border at Kraburi River, Ranong Province by the special operations team from the Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC, RTN SEAL), the Royal Thai Fleet and the Thai-Myanmar Maritime Border Fisheries Coordination Center NDSC (MBFCC: Maritime Border Fisheries Coordination Center Thai-Myanmar) has supported the operation National Marine Interest Center, Region 3 SorChol. Region 3 (MECC: Maritime Enforcement Coordinating Center 3 area) is also responsible for the western Andaman Sea area of ​​Thailand.

The interesting thing in this series is This is probably the first in a series of explicitly exposed images posted on social media online to Boat Tor 253 on one of the three ships in the Special Operations Platoon's T.251 series of Naval Special Warfare Command.

The boat set Tor 251 is an Inshore Patrol Craft in a Speed ​​Boat type consisting of Tor 251, Tor 252 and Tor 253 boats, The hull is white, there are small blue letters (Hull No.) looks like a private boat with a special operation kit that uses a small pistol H&K G36KV as a personal weapon.

No information has been released about the Tor 251 series, but ship maintenance documentation is published from time to time by the Navy Procurement Information Center. The ship is believed to have been used in secret special operations support missions.

Except for 4 special operations ships, Por 51, 4 ships built by Marsun Thai Company, ships used in the special operations ship category, NIDA, often camouflaged as a Patrol Craft ship that normally belongs to the Coast Guard Squadron (CGS: Coast Guard Squadron). For example, a set of 3 boats Tor 241 (Seafox Mk.IV class Special Warfare Craft) consisting of Tor. 241, Tor. 242 and Tor. 243 boats, the last information is that this boat has been used in the administrative work of Naval Special Warfare Training Center at Koh Phra Island, Chonburi Province only and may have been discharged.

Like the PT.51 boat set, equipped with only two M2 .50cal heavy machine guns for self-defense, the Tor 253 boat in the Tor 251 boat set that was found operating in the Kraburi River, armed only with a 5.56mm FN Minimi light machine gun for self-defense and deterring illegal acts only.