Australian Defense Force Trains with the Philippine Marines

05 Oktober 2021

ADF MTT and PMC in join exercise (all photos : PMC)

TERNATE, Cavite – A cross-training between the Australian Defense Force Mobile Training Team (MTT) and the Philippine Marine Corps was conducted from September 20 to 28, 2021 as part of the Australian Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2021, Australia’s flagship regional engagement activity. 

The training aimed to provide more knowledge and skills to both allied countries for advancement in support of the amphibious employment in the Indo-Pacific region. Multiple MTTs and the Philippine Marines trained in urban operations, tactical combat shooting, tactical-site exploitation and intelligence collections, and counter-IED training. 

There was also a virtual amphibious operation symposium including sharing of lessons learned in the history, development, current capability, and concept of employment of the amphibious organization.

The combined training formally concluded on September 24, 2021 with the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training (MC8), Col. Dante Robert B. Grasparil PN(M)(GSC), and Col. Paul J. Barta CSC, Australian Defense Attaché in the Philippines. 

Measures were taken to ensure the training was conducted in a safe manner with due observance of health protocols.