RMAF Continues to Operate F/A-18D Hornet, Su-30MKM Until 2035, 2040

12 September 2021

RMAF F/A-18D Hornet (photo : Pixelsnipers)

The fighter aircraft, F/A-18D Hornet and Sukhoi Su-30MKM will continue to serve with the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) until 2035 and 2040, before they are replaced with new fighter aircraft.

According to RMAF Commander Gen Tan Sri Ackbal Abdul Samad, to ensure that the RMAF fighter planes are able to operate effectively until 2035 and 2040, it will undergo a special maintenance process and upgrade program.

"To ensure that it (F/A-18D and Su-30MKM) continues its operational capability, the F/A-18D aircraft will undergo a 12-year in-country maintenance program (Local Planned Maintenance 12 years-LPM12Y) this year."

"For the Su-30MKM aircraft, it is undergoing the Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) and the Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) program which will ensure its service until 2040 and beyond," he said in an interview with English-language defense magazine. Asian Defense Journal (ADJ) July-August issue.

RMAF has eight F/A-18D fighter aircraft and 18 Su-30MKM.

RMAF Su-30MKM (photo : Vivek Manvi)

According to the RMAF Commander, the procurement program of new aircraft to replace the F/A-18D Hornet will be done in the 14th Malaysia Plan (RMK-14) 2030-2035, while the procurement of new aircraft to replace the Su-30MKM will be done in the RMK -15 (2036-2040).

At least between 15 to 20 years before we see new MRCA (multi-role combat aircraft) aircraft to enter the RMAF service.

Meanwhile, we continue to use eight F/A-18D Hornets and 18 Su-30MKMs to guard the country's airspace, while the procurement process of 18 light fighter aircraft/Fighter Lead-In Trainer (LCA/FLIT) is underway.

In an interview with the defense magazine, Ackbal was also asked about the Kuwaiti Air Force's F/A-18 C/D aircraft which had already been terminated by the Middle Eastern country after it bought new MRCA fighter jets.

He said the RMAF had already sent a letter to express its intention to acquire F/A-18 C/D aircraft of the Kuwaiti Air Force to the Commander of the Kuwaiti Armed Forces.

"We (RMAF and Kuwaiti Air Force) are still negotiating and are still waiting for a response from them (Kuwait)," said the RMAF Commander.

On the offer of spare parts for Hornet fighter jets from the Australian Air Force, he said the RMAF and RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on it.

The RMAF, he said, had started accepting Hornet aircraft components and spare parts starting from the beginning of 2020.

from DEFENSE STUDIES https://bit.ly/3ldWQsd