Joint Amphibious Operation on Land and at Sea during Exercise Pagbubuklod 2021
18 September 2021
Pakbubuklod 2021 (all photos : Philippine Fleet)
Major events conducted are amphibious assault/raid, insertion/extraction, amphibious sealift, tactical sealift, force protection capability, support and sustainment, afloat command and control, Maritime Search and Rescue, shipboard helicopter operations (HELOPS), and casualty evacuation operation (CASEVAC).
The activity was participated by Barko Republika ng Pilipinas (BRP) Jose Rizal (FF150), BRP Bagobo (LC293), BRP Manobo (LC297), BN ISLANDER Aircraft, Navy Helicopter, AW109, Multi-purpose Boat Attack (BA)492, BA493, BA494, Philippine Marine Corps, Naval Special Operations Command special operations team, Naval Combat Engineering Brigade and PN reservist.
Marine Base Gregorio Lim, Ternate, Cavite – The Philippine Fleet through the leadership of RADM ALBERTO B CARLOS PN, Commander Philippine Fleet conducted the Joint Amphibious operation on land and at sea as part of the Exercise “PAGBUBUKLOD” today, September 16, 2021 at Marine Base Gregorio Lim, Ternate, Cavite.
Exercise Pagbubuklod focuses on the Command's thrust of validating organizational structure, concepts of operations, and published doctrines that address the current and future scenario in the operational areas.
Meanwhile, the Philippine Fleet assured that all face-to-face activities during Exercise PAGBUBUKLOD 2021 will be carried out in strict adherence to health protocols set by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on COVID-19. All participants were also cleared.
Exercise PAGBUBUKLOD will be able to direct the efforts and capabilities towards a common goal that provide a moral compass for the organization on how ready and equipped we are in addressing traditional and non-traditional threats. Also, it will help the established of standard in performing our mandated task, leading to a doctrinally sound, responsive and goal-oriented decisions and actions.
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