Brunei Received ScanEagle Tactical UAV

04 Juli 2021

ScanEagle UAV for RBAF) (photo : The Scoop)

American-made unmanned aerial systems unveiled at RBAF60

At the 60th Anniversary of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam and Supreme Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces unveiled the latest capability of the Royal Brunei Air Force: The Integrator – American-made unmanned aerial systems (UAS) by Insitu Inc. Insitu is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company.

Chargé d’Affaires Emily Fleckner and Chief of the Office of Defense Cooperation Commander Randall Jones were pleased to meet His Majesty the Sultan at the unveiling of the Insitu (a Boeing subsidiary) unmanned aerial system, a new capability of the Royal Brunei Air Force.

ScanEagle UAV for RBAF) (photo : US Embasssy)

The Integrator was unveiled to be the latest capability of the Royal Brunei Air Force to build more effective and integrated maritime security capabilities. Here, Insitu’s Program Manager, Tim Brown, is briefing the capabilities of the UAS of His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam.

(US Embassy in Brunei)