Chaiseri Passed the Ministry of Defense Standard Certification

06 Februari 2021

First Win AFV, First Win ALV and First Win II during certification (all photos : Sukasom Hiranphan)

In order to create a standard for domestic equipment, the Ministry of Defense and the Thai Security Agency has considered setting a standard for various types of armament that has been established based on the needs of the user unit, to serve as a criterion for testing various weapons systems to be deployed with various testing procedures that are all measuring the results of the actual test, both the system imported from abroad and the system from the domestic development.

This regulation helps to promote the standard of domestic equipment to build confidence in the user unit that the weapons supplied will be up to standard and raise the level of credibility for exporting to foreign countries which is carried out through the National Defense Standard Accreditation Committee, Ministry of Defense or KMUTT.

Make it last many years the weapons that the military will procure are required to pass the testing and certification of the KMUTT.

One of them is Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co., Ltd., a well-known manufacturer of FirstWin 4×4 armored vehicles has brought three types of armored vehicles, First Win II, First Win AFV, and First Win ALV, were tested at the same time in all 3 models and again has followed up on the field testing process according to the criteria set by the Ministry of Defense using the area of ​​the Army Driving and Test Vehicle Field in Kanchanaburi Province.

It is even accepted that this Department of Defense vehicle testing criteria is concentrated at every stage, But all 3 armored vehicles were able to pass the test in all stages in perfect condition. Even through rigorous testing starting from the 300-kilometer continuous run test, the narrowest turning distance test, the 45-degree and 60-degree slope climb, the sudden braking while running at speed, running on various terrain including sand grooves, pebbles, mounds of various sizes to run through the water at a specified depth. The entire testing process is under the supervision of a committee from the Ministry of Defense and three armed forces closely at every stage.

From the test results this time as a result, Chaiseri's armored vehicles have been issued two versions of the Ministry of Defense standard certification, First Win II and First Win AFV, and are in the process of issuing a certificate that is First Win ALV. The first Thai vehicle manufacturer to be certified this time. This is another process that helps the Thai defense industry has the same standard, which directly benefits both educational development and research, which will support academic documents along with strengthening the confidence of foreign security agencies to make concrete purchases of military products from Thailand.